Flower Power
Trends: Black, White, and No Need To Skin Pups
Patchwork Blocking
Cutout and Classy
Prancing in Peplum
Photo Jul 22, 6 16 17 PM
The Fall-Back Outfit
I got this chambray shirt form Nordstroms and I've been wearing it whenever I don't want to think too hard about my outfit. It can be styled with pretty much anything (although I do have a tendency to style it with red) and look fantastic and the button is perfectly placed for no gaping by the boobs (something I have infinite problems with). So I of course bought it despite its (not too) ridiculous price. No boob gaping is worth it.
Photo Aug 13, 8 32 19 PM
Photo Aug 13, 2 45 47 PM
New Year's Styling Excursion
Anita came to visit me for New Year's and wanted me to take her out shopping and style her. Apparently, she has not gone shopping for four years and she threw out most of her clothes... Then realized she had nothing to wear. We went on a quick adventure and came up with a few different options before our adventure was cut short and we had to go fix my car. She got an AWESOME vintage sequined shirt (which she left here along with her shoes), some Free People black jeans (a staple) along with a shirt and sweater from them, two dresses, and a cream-colored silk shirt that buttons up the back. Not too shabby for a couple of hours of thrifting and shopping.
White on White
Embellished and Eyecatching
Suits From Sun to Stars
Sweater Weather
Digital Printastic
Leather and Lace