Before shit started hitting the fan for real in Matthews, we decided to go on a little Saint Patrick’s Day Bar Crawl early on (perhaps not the most well though out plan in retrospect, but we wanted to support our fave places). We met up with some friends, made a few and probably annoyed a few more while going from The Loyalist Market, to Jekyll and Hyde, to Seaboard before I got at little too day drunk and places got a bit too crowded and Clint and I called it a day.
Sad we didn’t get to make it to Grace O’Malley’s and Stumptown Station, but we will for sure be hitting them up with this craziness dies down.
I know it’s weird being a freelancer in this environment, but everyone stay as safe as you can, self- isolate as much as you can (I see the irony, don’t worry) and remember we’re all in this together.