In May, I went to visit my cousin Elizabeth - better known as Sniz- in Boston. Boston is an awesome town because it's just a tinier, more clean version of New York City and we all know how I feel about New York City. My Amazing Aunt gave me a ticket to see Sniz anytime I wanted for Christmas/my Birthday and I finally cashed it in.
We got to do all sorts of fun cousin things; like actually try on a bra that fits me (I could blog about this for days), drink beer, shop, watch scary TV shows, and go whale watching.
First we drank beer. Both at The Whiskey Priest, which has an awesome upstairs deck that looks out on the harbor, and at Harpoon Brewery. It was the first time I got to experience the brewery's beer hall and I have to say it was awesome. In addition to having amazing beer, they also have ridiculously good pretzels with different sauces to soak up all that alcohol. It was supposed to rain all weekend, and instead we ended up having absolutely beautiful weather- especially for the whale watching.

We went whale watching on Sunday. It was also supposed to rain, and it clearly did not. We did get majorly lucky and saw about 11 or so different Humpback and Fin whales. You can read about it here on the NEAQ's website. Apparently seeing so many whales is uncommon, but there was a large population explosion of what the whales fed on at the time so we got lucky.