Let The Wild Thing Out

O my, It has been a while.  I should schedule this type of thing into my everyday work load.  Welllllll, let us start recapping.  I've done some great shoots since we last talked, though I probably have not been as busy as I should have been. We had lots and lots of great big storms this summer, which worked to my advantage at times and disadvantage at other times.  In this particular instance it worked.

A huggeeeee tree feel in my back yard in Charlotte and I immediately knew I wanted to take pictures of Rebecca there. Preferably before all of the leaves turned brown and/or before my father cut it into tiny pieces.  Which was a concern.  He was going to do it the day I scheduled the photoshoot, but I convinced him to postpone! He was all "Well hurry up and do it.  Don't take forever."

So we went for it basically immediately.  I called Becca, she dropped everything, well not everything, Becca took her sweet time, and we prettied her up and went to take pictures. It was midday basically so the light was pretty harsh, but we were working against the clock as Becca had to go to work.  And if I do say so myself, I think we ended up with some great photos.

Here is the one I am most proud of:

Model in the Wild

I was a ninja while taking this photo, literally.  I was balancing the reflector with my knee up in the air while trying to focus and frame correctly.  Becca was having a hard time being serious while that was happening.  Can't really blame her.  I think the photo turned out great!

Here's another one from the shoot:

You can see the massiveness of the tree in this picture a little better.  Rebecca was a good sport about getting all down in the leaves and sprawling out.  Even as she was being attacked by my dog, and bugs, and stray branches.

The zebra print dress was mine from Rue 21, but I ended up giving it to her as it clearly looks amazing on her.  She had to go find her own belt though.

Sadly, Rebecca has moved to New York to fulfill her modeling dreams, so I don't get to photograph her nearly as much as I would like.  But she is pursuing her dreams! So that's good! And I'm wishing her luck, and begging her to let me stay at her place when I come up.

See More Photos Here